Canada Bound

9:40am Sunday Aug 10th – Time to cross the boarder into Canada!  Sidney seemed like our best bet to clear customs, do a bunch of laundry and stock up on food.  9:40am we crossed the boarder in Haro Strait.  Sidney requires you call on the VHF radio for permission to ender their breakwater.  The customs dock was stacked up so it took us about an hour to get in and clear customs.  Just as I was talking on the radio to dock staff Ava cried out “I lost my tooth!”

11:55am we finally got in our slip traveling 9.36nm from Prevost Harbor.  Lots of work to do today.  We washed the boat and I did laundry and blogging while Julie took Ava to the aquarium.  She absolutely loves this aquarium, this will be the 3rd year in a row going there and she talks about it all year long.  She had a blast again just like it was the first time.  We all went shopping for groceries after a fantastic dinner out.

Tomorrow morning we make our way south down Haro Strait and into the Strait of Juan de Fuca to explore the big city – Victoria!