Swimmer 12:00


Sunday August 6th – We all departed Tenedos and headed southwest for a marina called Taku in Heriot Bay on Quadra Island. While entering the bay I put had the boat in forward idle while looking for contact information for the marina. I looked up and just barely saw a swimmer not more than 30 feet directly in our path. Scared the living you know what out of me! This guy had a black wetsuit on, casually swimming across the bay. I don’t think he ever even saw us. I think he was training for something because ahead of him, across the bay was another swimmer but they had a bright orange buoy on their back so boaters could see them. This guy was taking some serious chances with only a black wetsuit on.

After settling in we took the dinghy over to Rebecca Spit. It’s a huge sliver of land that forms the bay with nice sandy beaches and more driftwood than you could imagine. This place gets some serious weather! We all had fun scouring the beaches, playing in the water and relaxing in the sun.

That evening we all went to dinner at the Heriot Bay Inn. They had some really incredible food. It’s amazing that in some of these really remote places they still manage to pull off quality restaurants that would rival any big city.


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