
Tuesday August 7th – Skylar and his two friends ran ahead of us in the dinghy to do some fishing at the entrance of Pendrell Sound. We got the boat ready and pulled anchor for our cruise to Squirrel Cove. The boys had about 2 hours of fishing before we arrived to pick them, Read More

Sunday August 5th – Skylar has two friends flying in tomorrow to Pendrell Sound, so we need to get to Pendrell today to be ready for their arrival. Pendrell is perfect in the heat. It has the warmest water in the area you can swim all day. We set the shrimp pots on the, Read More

August 3rd and 4th – After pulling anchor and leaving Tenedos we went just around the corner to a little place we call The Cut (not an official name). It’s right off Otter Island and we call it The Cut because if you are brave enough to take your boat through the very narrow, Read More