
Wednesday August 9th – We’ve had an incredible time in the Desolation Sound area! However, at some point you have to start heading south and we still had a lot of destinations in the Gulf Islands we wanted to check off the list. The wind forecast was favorable over the next couple days for, Read More

Monday August 7th – Time to leave Taku and head around Cape Mudge to April Point. Todd and his dad Bruce have a planned flight back to Seattle to go back to work for a few days while Tami and the kids stay with the boat at April Point. We left Taku before the, Read More

Sunday August 6th – We all departed Tenedos and headed southwest for a marina called Taku in Heriot Bay on Quadra Island. While entering the bay I put had the boat in forward idle while looking for contact information for the marina. I looked up and just barely saw a swimmer not more than, Read More